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Blog Layout

Template articles

Custom HTML elements



Columns needs main wrapper with gkCols class and data-cols attribute:

<div class="gkCols" data-cols="2">
First column content
Second column content

You can create a layout with 2-5 columns using this structure.



The newsletter custom HTML code is a structure for very simple newsletter form:

<form action="#" class="gk-newsletter">
<p><input type="email" placeholder="Enter Email Address"> <input type="button" value="Join"></p>

As you can see it uses the form element with gk-newsletter CSS class, and two basic input fields.

Social icons

Social icons

Social icons have a very simple structure based on links placed in the container with gk-social class:

<div class="gk-social">
<a href="#" class="gk-twitter">twitter.com/game</a>
<a href="#" class="gk-facebook">facebook.com/game</a>
<a href="#" class="gk-youtube">youtube.com/game</a>
<a href="#" class="gk-gplus">plus.google.com/+game</a>



If you want to create a banner inside the inset column, please use the following syntax:

<a href="#" class="gkBanner"><img src="/templates/2013_12/images/demo/banner_inset.jpg" alt="Banner"></a>

Page Title

Page title

The page title element is created from the active menu item title attribute, or if it is blank - from the menu item name:

Page title - value

If you want to disable the page title totally or on the specific pages - you can use the following options in the template "Features" settings:

Page title - settings

Please remember that you can: enable page title on the specific pages or disable page title on the specific pages. Of course without adding rules for the specific menu items or components you can enable/disable page title for all pages.

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